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[ptp-dev] Welcome to the Tools PMC!

Hey gang,


We held the Move Review yesterday to approve bringing the PTP project over to the Tools top-level project. As expected, we passed with flying colors thanks to the Greg’s great slide package and leg work we did before the review was scheduled.


So, what that means from a governance structure is that the Tools PMC is now the PTP mentor and gets to approve things that PMCs approve, like new committers, releases, and stuff like that. We are also your representative on the Eclipse Councils and will make sure you get the information they may need and to ensure your concerns are represented there. (Not that there’s a lot that happens there..).


The next thing we need to do is figure out the mechanics. I’ll update the Tools web page to list the PTP project as a subproject. We also need to put together a list of things you need/want changed at to Tool-ify the artifacts you have there without causing major disruptions. Please respond with a list of things you see that need to be done and Greg and I will pass them on to the webmaster.



Doug Schaefer, QNX Software Systems
Eclipse CDT Project Lead, Tools PMC Member


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