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[ptp-dev] Release numbering and the 1.1 release

Hi all,

I've been reviewing the implementation phase documentation (http:// and it looks like where the major number (N) or minor number (M) for a release N.M.P changes is considered a 'major' release. The official definition of a minor number change is where 'the APIs are the same but there is substantial new function'. In our case, we haven't introduced substantial new function, just fixed a bunch of bugs and improved performance. To me this is more like an incremental number (P) change, so this release should probably really be 1.0.1 rather than 1.1.

I think the options for how to proceed are:

1. Keep the release as 1.1 and hold a release review. This will probably delay the release until the new year, unless we can sneak into the reviews being held next week.

2. Keep the release as 1.1, but consider it a 1.0.1 release (i.e. a bug fix release). This will no doubt be frowned upon.

3. Change the release to 1.0.1. This will involve creating a new branch and renaming some builds. I can do this fairly easily.

Would people prefer option 1, 2 or 3?



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