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[ptp-dev] new proxy location and build process

I've changed the build process for proxy's and the debugger sdm.

1. The fragments:


are no longer used. You should remove these from your workspace.

2. I have changed the name of the orte proxy C project from org.eclipse.ptp.orte to org.eclipse.ptp.orte.proxy. You will need to delete the old one from your workspace and checkout the new one. At the same time you should probably also delete the org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm project and check it out again.

3. Next, check out the fragments:


These are where the new executables will go. Note that both the proxy and the debugger executables live in here now.

4. Change directory to the fragment in your workspace that corresponds to your architecture. E.g. for MacOSX change to $ {workspace}/org.eclipse.ptp.macosx.ppc.

5. Run 'sh BUILD' in this directory. This will configure, build and install both the proxy and the debugger.

6. After running BUILD, you can use 'make' and 'make install' from the org.eclipse.ptp.orte.proxy and org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm projects.


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