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[ptp-dev] Breaking the HEAD revision

PTP devers,

I will be committing a large chunk of code in
the immediate future.  It has known bugs in it.
After talking to Greg we agreed that I should
commit it as is so that others can help with
the bug hunt.  I expect HEAD to be broken
for at least a day or two.

Meanwhile the 1.1 branch is working.  Please
use this branch for your working version, though
please only commit bug fixes to this branch.

Randy M. Roberts
work: (505)665-4285


“We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and
then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so
as to show that we were right.”
                         -- George Orwell's "In Front of Your Nose," 1946

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