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Re: [ptp-dev] Problems Running with latest build

Can you check that your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is correct prior to launching Eclipse (especially if you're launching Eclipse from an icon)? We need to add a test to detect this condition.


On Nov 3, 2006, at 9:39 AM, Beth Tibbitts wrote:

when i update, rebuild both C projects, and try to launch PTP workbench, it hangs

Dialog says "Operation in progess...  Starting OMPI proxy runtime .. refreshing runtime system"

console says:

OMPIProxyRuntimeClient - firing up proxy, waiting for connecting.  Please wait!  This can take a minute . . .
ORTE_SERVER path = '/home/tibbitts/ews/ptp32/org.eclipse.ptp.orte.linux.x86/bin/ptp_orte_proxy'
Waiting on accept.
OMPIProxyRuntimeClient waiting on {201, 210}
accept thread starting...
RUNNING PROXY SERVER COMMAND: '/home/tibbitts/ews/ptp32/org.eclipse.ptp.orte.linux.x86/bin/ptp_orte_proxy --port=48018'
Exception starting up proxy. :(
Failed to start up the proxy runtime.

.log says:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ptp.core 4 4 2006-11-03 11:26:51.801
!MESSAGE Internal Error
    at org.eclipse.ptp.core.proxy.AbstractProxyClient.sendCommand(
    at org.eclipse.ptp.rtsystem.proxy.ProxyRuntimeClient.sendCommand(
    at org.eclipse.ptp.core.proxy.AbstractProxyClient.sessionFinish (
    at org.eclipse.ptp.rtsystem.ompi.OMPIProxyRuntimeClient.startup(
    at org.eclipse.ptp.internal.core.ModelManager.refreshRuntimeSystems( :198)
    at org.eclipse.ptp.internal.core.ModelManager.refreshRuntimeSystems(
    at org.eclipse.ptp.ui.PTPUIPlugin$
    at (


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