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RE: [ptp-dev] sdm/gdb Failed to get stack frames from backend

I’m using a managed make c project, and my compile options are as follows:



-I/usr/local/include/openmpi/ompi/mpi/cxx -I/usr/local/include/openmpi/ompi -O0 -g -c -fmessage-length=0


It was at debug level 3, -g3, by default, but I just lowered it to –g and still have the problem.


I also lowered the processes to 1, and still get the same error. SDM now uses 100% of 1 CPU until I killall sdm.


Thanks for your help,




From: ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ptp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Greg Watson
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 2:38 PM
To: Parallel Tools Platform general developers
Subject: Re: [ptp-dev] sdm/gdb Failed to get stack frames from backend


Hi Brian,


Did you compile the program with the -g option? I've seen this error when there are no debugging symbols in the executable.


If you try and debug a 10 process job on your local machine then you will see 10 copies of the SDM. The SDM is designed for debugging on real clusters where you would normally only have one SDM process per machine (or node). There is nothing wrong with debugging on a local machine, but is probably wise to keep the number of processes low. There were some issues in the 1.0 release of PTP that would result in the SDM pegging the CPU. If this happens, just kill off the SDM and orte_server processes and restart your Eclipse session.






On Sep 15, 2006, at 1:21 PM, Henerey, Brian wrote:

Hello all,

I’m having a problem with sdm/gdb when I try to debug a parallel hello world file. I launch eclipse –clean from an xterm so I can watch the output. I see this error message:


got debug event: EVENT_DBG_ERROR 03ff 4 Debugger error: Failed to get stack frames from backend

======================= EVENT_DBG_ERROR ====================



I hope that’s enough output, otherwise I can post the complete output. My program will run fine in eclipse, but the debug does not. I have verified that the program runs from the command line fun with both kdbg and ddd by issuing the following commands.


#mpirun -np 2 -debug ddd newParallelHelloTest

#mpirun -np 2 -debug kdbg newParallelHelloTest


when I do:

#mpirun -np 2 -debug gdb newParallelHelloTest

it opens a (gdb) prompt. Typing run does not seem to do anything.


However, if I run

#gdb newParallelHelloTest

And execute ‘(gdb) run’, it will correctly run a single job saying ‘hello, I am 0 of 1’


I’m not familiar with gdb (or any of these debuggers), but I was trying to establish if gdb would run my code okay outside of eclipse.


I have verified this problem with the same ‘Failed to get stack frames from backend’ error on 3 machines. 2 run 64 bit Gentoo Linux, the other runs 32 bit Gentoo.


The main system I’ve tested on is my own, which runs 64 bit Gentoo Linux

Dual Opteron, 4GB’s of RAM

Linux version 2.6.17-gentoo-r4 (root@wuosglinux) (gcc version 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r1, ssp-3.4.5-1.0, pie-8.7.9)) #8 SMP

Gdb version 6.5

I download eclipse 3.2 from the website and run in out of my home directory. I installed CDT through the eclipse update manager. I installed these 4 additional files:





I was able to install to of them with the eclipse update manager. The other two untar into the eclipse/ path.


The eclipse ptp debug perspective does not allow me to step in or step through a running debug job. The options are grayed out. If I try to launch 10 processes of my test hello world, then 10 sdm’s start running and use 100% of both my cpus.


Does anyone know what’s causing this or have a suggestion what to try?




Brian Henerey
Washington University in St. Louis



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