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[ptp-dev] Parallel Language Development Tools (MPI & OpenMP)

The PLDT (Parallel Language Development Tools) Plug-ins are now checked in.

PLDT replaces the MPI Development Tools - it includes all the MPI tools,
plus OpenMP tools that are similar, plus some extras for OpenMP analysis.
Plus, its name suggest a more general tool grouping for parallel
programming.  More to come!
The OpenMP tools (and the MPI tools) were demo'd at EclipseCon last month.
Now you too can use them!

In the CVS directories, I moved the old MPI tools plugins
under the 'old' directory, to not confuse them.
(If you install both, it will look like two copies of all the MPI tools.)

Note that, for the OpenMP tools to find the #pragmas in CDT, you must
install the (minor) CDT patch to 3.0.x
from Bugzilla :
(It's a single line change to each of two files.)
Without the patch, nothing breaks - it just doesn't locate the pragmas
within the list of OpenMP Artifacts.
Doug has already incorporated this patch into the CDT 3.1 HEAD.  I need to
convert PLDT to CDT 3.1, will do so later.

The help files are updated as well.
I hope to move these to the website too before too much longer.

Feedback welcome!!

Greg, I don't know if you had to modify anything when you did the initial
check-in of the MPI tools,
as far as build properties, etc.  Let me know if you do and I'll do it that
way next time.


Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981)
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
High Productivity Tools
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 455 Park Place, Lexington, KY 40511

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