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[ptp-dev] Fwd: [dsdp-tm-dev] Initial RSE CVS Population Complete

Tianchao, you should probably take a look a this.


Begin forwarded message:

From: David Dykstal <david_dykstal@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: April 10, 2006 3:51:04 PM MDT
To: Target Management developer discussions <dsdp-tm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [dsdp-tm-dev] Initial RSE CVS Population Complete
Reply-To: Target Management developer discussions <dsdp-tm- dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

I have populated the TM CVS repository with an RSE version slightly updated from the version in the bugzilla attachments. In particular, the .project
files are fixed and the changes the EMO requested have been made. Its
almost identical to the version I had prepared for EclipseCon.

This compiles correctly against an Eclipse M5 PDE target.

I will be updating the repository with our latest changes tomorrow or
Wednesday to bring the code to an Eclipse M6 level. At that point we will
begin testing the build procedures in preparation for TM M1.
David Dykstal

dsdp-tm-dev mailing list

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