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[ptp-dev] PTP and which version of CDT (and Eclipse platform) used

Don and I have put together a patch for CDT to recognize the #pragma
and submitted it to bugzilla.

However this brings up another point:  The patch is against CDT 3.1 (which
requires Eclipse 3.2).
Our current PTP is based on CDT 3.0.x and Eclipse 3.1.
We talked about a minor release of PTP 1.1 with the enhanced Parallel
Language Development Tools (PLDT - which adds OpenMP to our MPI tools,
among other things).
But we never discussed when to switch to CDT 3.1.

Since all the CDT development is now going against CDT 3.1, it does seem
that we should make the switch .. but when?
What does CDT 3.1 do to the debugging APIs that PTP parallel debugger uses?
Do I remember last week Doug saying (and  Greg expressing relief) that the
CDI interfaces will remain
in spite of the fact that the Eclipse 3.2 debug infrastructure is changing?


Beth Tibbitts  (859) 243-4981  (TL 545-4981)
IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
Mailing Address:  IBM Corp., 455 Park Place, Lexington, KY 40511

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