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[ptp-dev] Taking RC3 out for a spin - debug

Debug came up fine.
Could step all processes and single process.
made a process set to step that.
I *think* at that point everything ran off then end, or encountered an error.
But all processes had error icon on them.

Tried to debug same program again,
and debug came up but all processes encountered error again (immediately turned to red error icon).
It seems to run to main, show UI, then all icons go red.

Hmmm.  .log file isn't updated.

Hey, Clement put the action for displaying the legend for icons in the debug perspective too. Thanks.

Here's a log from a previous session so you know my config details.
It logged the ClassNotFoundException before even running, if that matters.

I have Eclipse 3.1.2, org.eclipse.cdt (3.0.2)

!SESSION 2006-03-03 16:25:22.631 -----------------------------------------------
java.fullversion=J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 Linux x86-32 j9vmxi3223ifx-20060124 (JIT enabled)
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_US
Command-line arguments:  -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86

!ENTRY org.eclipse.debug.ui 4 120 2006-03-03 16:27: 14.545
!MESSAGE Error logged from Debug UI:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException[1]: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.ptp.debug.internal.ui.views.breakpoints.PBreakpointSetOrganizer
    at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass(


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