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Re: [ptp-dev] PTP views, observations & questions

On Feb 3, 2006, at 9:22 AM, Beth Tibbitts wrote:

1. could we put the Legend action ("Show Status icons of node and
process"), which puts up a (modal) dialog with all the icons and their
meanings, on the debug perspective too? I find myself referring it to a
lot while i am learning what all the icons mean.
Could we provide the option of "gluing down" the legends icons display
somehow, say in a view? so i can leave it up for referring to, until i
learn them by heart. :-)
      perhaps the "PTP training wheels" mode.   Or, make the dialog
non-modal, and i can keep it around, but less elegant.

Can you open an enhancement bug on this?

2.  OK before I found the "jobs" or "job process" view that shows the
output of a particular process? Now I can't find it.
I want to see output from stepping in one process set somewhere, and
can't seem to find how to do it.
      Maybe if I would go back and read the help I wrote...

If you double click on a process that is shown in the "process info" window of the "machines view", you will get the "process view" which includes the stdout. Currently there's no way to get to this view from the debug perspective.

3. There are two views that i keep getting confused.  "Jobs" View, and
"Parallel Debug" view.
I think they are the same? Did one come from PTP runtime, and another from
PTP debug?

Yes, they are effectively the same view.

4. OK, i see a new breakpoint icon. a yellow one.
      Green: breakpoint set on current process set
      Blue: breakpoint set on other process set
Yellow: ?? breakpoint set on other process set - that isn't the root
process set??   Interesting.  and sounds useful.

I don't know what the yellow breakpoint represents. Clement?

I'm sure I will have more. :-)

Looking forward to it...


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