Here is my review of Maturity
I think it's a great step further and a great job has
already been done.
I would like to propose an improvement:
I think
the "user feedback and usage" is a major key point of the maturity evaluation
of a project. You can have a project with a very nice code, a good
responsiveness of its support, a good process for its developers, but a poor
maturity from the point of view of the end users but features are useless,
ergonomic is bad, etc.
First, I propose to add a 4th category in the
quality model [2]: community is mostly focus on the creator of the technology
and those who help the project to be adopted. So, in my opinion, it should not
be consolidated in the same category.
Lets call it for the rest of my email
In this Usage category, lets move "installed base". And in
this one, you propose an installation survey.
You should also add a metric
about the number of download. For me, a project which is not used cannot be
promoted as Mature.
You should be able to calculate this metric from
statistics of EF infrastructure (apache logs on updatesite, marketplace
metrics, downloads of bundles when the project is already bundled, etc). Be
careful to remove from the log stats any hudson/jenkins which consume
updatesite: they don't reflect a real number of users.
interesting should be also to measure the diversity of the users. For example,
if a project is used only by academic or by only one large company, can we say
it is mature?
My next major proposition is allow user to be precise
about their feedback on the project, in a view to allow you to use it
automatically in the maturity assessment.
My idea is reuse the existing
Eclipse Marketplace to host this feedback. We can reuse ideas from other
marketplace like Play Store or AppStore where users can write a review but
also add a notation.
So, you will have this kind of result :

To be more precise
on the vote, we can use two alternatives: propose a fix list of criteria, or
allow free list of pro/cons.
The first option is easier to tool-up, but the
second one is more useful for the project commiters (mostly to know what users
like, which is an information very hard to find today).
For this second
one, I see a website that uses it (I can't remember which one) and it was like
this :
You have two lists to fill where users can freely add new line. Lets
use this example for only one feedback):
- what do you
-what do you dislike
no linux
And, you just have to create a simple analyzer that
consolidates the top 10 of each positive / negative
performance (80)
nice icons (15)
lay loading
everything is perfect
project logo (20)
As with mobile apps,
Eclipse Marketplace Client could propose an API to Eclipse plug-in to propose
to vote directly from the IDE itself. So, we could receive feedback of real
end users, and not only from the Eclipse's websites visitors.
Etienne JULIOT
Vice President, Obeo
Le 22/08/2014 16:57, Boris Baldassari a
écrit :