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[polarsys-iwg] Reviving Eclipse Scripting project

Dear all,


An essential piece of TOPCASED modelling environment is the scripting engine, used by model designers to automate some project-specific or boring activities like modifying the font of some elements in all diagrams. As described on the Scripting wiki, it is heavily based on EclipseMonkey and PythonMonkey, adding mainly some DOM to make model scripting easier and some related example scripts.


We are now about to start the migration of the major components of TOPCASED to Eclipse and PolarSys, including the scripting feature: I think it is a chance to revive the Eclipse scripting project. It also means that it is the moment to discuss and decide project organization, functional/technical needs and architecture.


So the question is: beyond ATOS and AIRBUS, directly involved in this part of TOPCASED migration, who is interested in resurrecting the scripting project at Eclipse and participating as a committer or contributor? As our deadline for the migration is October/December 2013, we need to start very soon: I would therefore like to organize a telcon with most interested parties around August 20th to initiate the process. Meanwhile, it would be great if you could expose your vision, proposals and potential involvement on this mailing list.


Of course, Arthur Daussy (ATOS) and I would be pleased to answer the questions you may have J.



Software Engineering Specialist

Avionics and Simulation Products Software - EYYW


Mailto: pierre.gaufillet@xxxxxxxxxx

Polarsys Industrial Working Group:



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