Could you please clarify the scope authorized?
- Can a project host LGPL code?
- Can a project distribute LGPL code (like distribute a tool as part ) ?
- Can a project give the possibility for its user to install LGPL dependencies?
Also for record, I paste here the segment of text from the minute.
RESOLVED, The Board unanimously approves the use of the “GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)” license for projects hosted by the OPEES Industry Working Group. Such projects must be clearly identified as separate and distinct from Eclipse Foundation projects, hosted on a web property other than, and not using the org.eclipse namespace.
From: polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mike Milinkovich
Sent: June-11-13 3:12 PM
To: 'Polarsys IWG'
Subject: Re: [polarsys-iwg] Licenses authorized in Polarsys projects
As it often happens, the rumour mill is in error. The board has approved the use of the LGPL, in addition to the EPL, for Polarsys. You can find this in the minutes link below. Look for the name “OPEES”, as that was the previous name of Polarsys.
Eclipse working groups which maintain a separate forge and brand identity can ask the Board for some licensing discretion, which must be unanimously approved. LocationTech is a second example.
Hope that helps.
Mike Milinkovich
Rumour has it that Polarsys is a special island where a wider variety of OSS license can be used. In fact the craziest rumour mentioned GPL!
Could someone clarify what is allowed?