Planned finish: 17:00Where:
2 Rue Charles Camichel
31000 Toulouse, France
Here is the location on Google Maps.
On the morning, we will have a status about Polarsys IWG activities and Polarsys specific presentations and on the afternoon, we will join with the Auto IWG for a common session of presentations of common topics and also to exchange about converging concerns.
The agenda is not fixed for the moment, so feel free to drop an email to the list to propose a presentation either in the morning or in the afternoon. Please give us a title, a presenter name, and a showt description of your presentation.
Please confirm your participation in following doodle as soon as possible to help with the organization:
The ideal follow-up of this meeting is to participate to EclipseCon France 2013 on June 5th and 6th. The program is very interesting with several presentations around industry return of experience, modeling and other system engineering stuff. Check it out at
Don't wait the last minute to register:
Hope to see you all there!
Gaël Blondelle