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Re: [polarsys-iwg] Combitech membership in Polarsys


The features in ArCon will also be useful outside of the embedded system community, in this context I think it would be good to have ArCon as an Eclipse project, it is the same reasoning as Papyrus, EMF Compare, etc.

It would make sense to put ArCon under the Model Development Tools (MDT).





From: polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Johansson Gert
Sent: January-30-13 7:55 AM
To: Polarsys IWG
Subject: Re: [polarsys-iwg] Combitech membership in Polarsys


Thanks Gaël,


regarding your question, I agree to the two different directions you point at. The initial scope and intended use for ArCon was the embedded doamin but as you indicate, it´s not limitied to that. In the choice of embedded or generic I think it wold fit into either of them. Do you see any other aspect that would direct the choice into either domain (strategic/tactic). I would also like Dominique to be involved in the selection.


Best regards,



From: polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:polarsys-iwg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gaël Blondelle
Sent: den 25 januari 2013 18:30
To: Polarsys IWG
Subject: Re: [polarsys-iwg] Combitech membership in Polarsys


Good news Gert!


Ralph will guide you through the process of becoming a Polarsys member (signing the Eclipse and Polarsys agreements).


And you can count on you to help move the ArCon project to Eclipse/Polarsys.

On this topic, I have a question: do you think that it would be better to host it in Eclipse or in Polarsys?Hi


The rule I have in mind is that:

  • General purpose projects should be hosted in Eclipse and referenced in Polarsys
  • Embedded Systems specific projects should be hosted in Polarsys.


As far as I understand, ArCon is in the middle as:

  • It applies to UML which is a generic purpose modeling language
  • But the mains use case is to check for model templates conformity which can be useful in IT, but should be more important valuable in embedded systems.


Welcome aboard!

Gaël Blondelle


+33 672 120 226


Le 25 janv. 2013 à 18:00, Johansson Gert a écrit :


Hi all,


I´m delighted to inform you that we are now applying for membership in Polarsys(and Eclipse). To begin with we will focus on further development of ArCon that we worked with during the OPEES project. I you are interested, have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

The first task is to migrate ArCon from Eclipse Labs over to a registered project at Eclipse Foundation. Maybe I will get back to you to ask for support and help in that process.


Have a nice weekend

Best Regards



Gert Johansson, PhD
Business Developer 
Systems Engineering Consultant
Combitech AB
Universitetsvägen 14  SE-583 30 Linköping  Sweden 
Phn +46 13 189 524  Fax +46 13 2121 66  Mobile +46 708 895 124

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