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[platform-ui-dev] [aeri] Weekly Problem Digest for Eclipse Platform >= Oxygen.0

Hi Platform Team,

the following problems are reported for Oxygen.0
They were never reported for any earlier version of Eclipse.

First time reported for Oxygen.0

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. IllegalArgumentException below ExpandableComposite.lambda$1 (thrown in Control.setForeground) 41 NEW normal 521488
2. NullPointerException in LazyStackRenderer.showElementRecursive 40 UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. NullPointerException in SmartImportWizard.performFinish 31 UNCONFIRMED normal -
4. SWTError below SashLayout.lambda$0 (thrown in Cursor.<init>) 25 REOPENED normal -
5. SWTError below CommandAction.lambda$0 (thrown in MenuItem.getEnabled) 24 UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. NullPointerException in NavigationHistory.getDisplay 19 UNCONFIRMED normal -
7. NullPointerException in BusyIndicator.computeSize 17 UNCONFIRMED normal -
8. NullPointerException in StringModelFragment$6.addPressed 16 UNCONFIRMED normal -
9. NullPointerException in TrimStack.handleTransientDataEvents 16 UNCONFIRMED normal -
10. SWTException below CSSSWTFontHelper.getFirstFontData (thrown in Font.getFontData) 16 UNCONFIRMED normal -
11. IndexOutOfBoundsException below CompletionProposalPopup.selectProposal (thrown in Objects.checkIndex) 14 UNCONFIRMED normal -
12. NullPointerException below JFaceUtil.lambda$0 (thrown in PreferenceDialog$ 14 UNCONFIRMED normal -
13. IllegalArgumentException below CloseUnrelatedProjectsAction.buildConnectedComponents (thrown in WorkspaceRoot.getProject) 12 UNCONFIRMED normal -
14. InvalidPathException below ArchiveFileManipulations.isZipFile (thrown in WindowsPathParser.normalize) 12 UNCONFIRMED normal -
15. NullPointerException in BrowserInformationControl.computeTrim 12 UNCONFIRMED normal -
16. NullPointerException in SelectPerspectiveDialog.handleTableViewerKeyPressed 12 UNCONFIRMED normal -
17. ArithmeticException in FilteredTableBaseHandler.moveForward 11 UNCONFIRMED normal -
18. CoreException below WorkbenchPlugin.lambda$0 (thrown in ConfigurationElement.throwException) 11 UNCONFIRMED normal -
19. IllegalArgumentException below CleanupAddon.subscribeVisibilityChanged (thrown in Control.moveBelow) 11 UNCONFIRMED normal -
20. JavaModelException below OpenResourceAction$1.doOpenWithReferences (thrown in JavaElement.newNotPresentException) 11 UNCONFIRMED normal -
21. NullPointerException in WorkbenchPage.firePartVisible 11 UNCONFIRMED normal -
22. SWTException below MinMaxAddon.setCTFButtons (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 11 UNCONFIRMED normal -
23. IllegalArgumentException below StyledTextThemedScrollBarAdapter$StyledTextPaintListener.redrawScrollBars (thrown in DefaultDocumentAdapter.getLineAtOffset) 10 UNCONFIRMED normal -
24. NullPointerException in ExtendedMarkersView$6.partVisible 10 UNCONFIRMED normal -
25. SWTException below FormHeading.setBackground (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 10 UNCONFIRMED normal -
26. DebugException below JFaceUtil.lambda$0 (thrown in Breakpoint.ensureMarker) 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
27. IllegalArgumentException below CTabRendering.drawBackground (thrown in GC.setForeground) 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
28. IllegalArgumentException below Section.updateHeaderImage (thrown in Control.setBackgroundImage) 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
29. IllegalArgumentException in WorkspaceRoot.getProject 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
30. NullPointerException below CloseUnrelatedProjectsAction.buildConnectedComponents (thrown in Path.<init>) 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
31. NullPointerException in PageBookView$1.partBroughtToTop 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
32. NullPointerException in SpellCheckDocumentListener$ 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
33. NullPointerException in StackRenderer$3.widgetSelected 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
34. QException below MultiPageEditorPart.lambda$1 (thrown in QParser.throwException) 9 UNCONFIRMED normal -
35. IllegalArgumentException below (thrown in BrowserInformationControl.setInput) 8 UNCONFIRMED normal -
36. IllegalArgumentException in ModelServiceImpl.findElementsRecursive 8 UNCONFIRMED normal -
37. IllegalStateException below AboutPluginsPage$$Lambda$3.accept (thrown in StructuredViewer.setInput) 8 UNCONFIRMED normal -
38. SWTException below LazyStackRenderer.showElementRecursive (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 8 UNCONFIRMED normal -
39. DeviceResourceException below WorkingSetTypePage$1.getImage (thrown in ImageDescriptor.createResource) 7 UNCONFIRMED normal -
40. IllegalArgumentException below CopyMarkerResourceQualifiedNameHandler.setClipboard (thrown in Clipboard.setContents) 7 UNCONFIRMED normal -
41. NullPointerException in CompatibilityPart.lambda$2 7 UNCONFIRMED normal -
42. NullPointerException in FilteredTableBaseHandler.execute 7 UNCONFIRMED normal -
43. Exception below RefreshAction.refreshResource (thrown in ResourceException.provideStackTrace) 6 UNCONFIRMED normal -
44. FileNotFoundException below HandlerActivation.evaluate (thrown in FileOutputStream.open0) 6 NEW normal 521898
45. NullPointerException in PartServiceImpl.createSharedPart 6 UNCONFIRMED normal -
46. NullPointerException in StackRenderer$7.widgetSelected 6 UNCONFIRMED normal -
47. NullPointerException in WBWRenderer$3.shellClosed 6 UNCONFIRMED normal -
48. SWTException below FilteredTableBaseHandler$1.focusLost (thrown in Widget.getDisplay) 6 UNCONFIRMED normal -
49. IllegalArgumentException below FindReplaceTarget.replaceSelection (thrown in Matcher.appendExpandedReplacement) 5 UNCONFIRMED normal -
50. IllegalStateException below ContentTypeDecorator.decorate (thrown in DeadlockDetector.reportDeadlock) 5 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Problem Resolution Statistics

Problem ResolutionsCount
Undefined: 19
FIXED: 1590

To remove a problem from this report, visit its web page and set its resolution to something else than 'unresolved'.

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