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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Problems view - Is the "Show Items that match all of the configuration checked below" useful?

Leo and had also discussed (and were in favor of) removing these buttons in the comments for

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 5:11 AM Lars Vogel <lars.vogel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

as a user I find the following two options in the Problems view confusing:

"Show Items that match all of the configuration checked below"
"Show Items that match any of the configuration checked below"

In all my years of Eclipse usage I have never selected the "all of"
option and with our default selections, I think any selection you can
do will be the same as with the second option.

Is anyone actively using this option or sees value in them?

If not, I suggest to remove them, as IMHO they make the dialog
unnecessary complex. This would make IMHO the usage of dialog much
less confusing for the "normal" use case.

Related Bug:

Best regards, Lars

Eclipse Platform UI and e4 project co-lead
CEO vogella GmbH

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