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Re: [platform-ui-dev] How to animate showing and hiding of views created using the "org.eclipse.ui.views" extension point

Great point. We need to resist the urge to use effects just because we can and we think they look cool. They do need to convey useful information to the user as you suggest.


From: platform-ui-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [platform-ui-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Markus Keller [markus_keller@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 10:35 AM
To: Eclipse Platform UI component developers list.
Subject: Re: [platform-ui-dev] How to animate showing and hiding of views created using the "org.eclipse.ui.views" extension point

And the other reason for turning of the fading animation was that fading is just not the right effect:

bug 357939 comment 1 Markus Keller  2011-09-19 12:55:52 CEST
Animations can indeed enhance the user experience, but only if they serve a purpose other than just showing off.

The current fading effect just makes Maximize/Restore operations slower, but it doesn't *add* any information. If the animation would somehow grow/shrink the editor to its new size, then the user could at least follow the transition by e.g. watching the caret move to its new position.

>From movies etc., I associate fading with a transition to something different from the previous scene. This is not applicable here, so I'm afraid fading is not the right effect for this operation.

See also "Clarify and Communicate with Subtle Animation" here:

From:        Eric Moffatt <emoffatt@xxxxxxxxxx>
To:        "Eclipse Platform UI component developers list." <platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        2014-04-08 15:46
Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] [jdt-dev] How to animate showing and hiding of views created using the "org.eclipse.ui.views" extension point
Sent by:        platform-ui-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

I've spent a fair bit of time trying to do this type of thing....there's an internal class 'AnimationEngine' already available in the IDE as well as an FaderAnimationFeedback. It's used in MinMaxAddon like this:

fader = new FaderAnimationFeedback(hostShell);
engine = new AnimationEngine(win.getContext(), fader, 300);

You can see it in action by going to Window->Preferences->General->Appearance and turning on the 'Enable Animations' checkbox.

It works by capturing the image of the current Window, creating a NO_TRIM shell that uses this image as its background and overlays the original window and then ramps the 'alpha' for the new shell down to zero. Unfortunately there are enough glitches in trying to capture the 'image' of the original window on some platforms we decided to turn it off.

My feeling is that this might be able to work if the area being affected isn't too large...(i.e. might work for a view stack...;-),

Inactive hide details for Mickael Istria ---04/08/2014 03:10:03 AM---On 04/08/2014 08:37 AM, suryakant bhagat wrote: > Hi,Mickael Istria ---04/08/2014 03:10:03 AM---On 04/08/2014 08:37 AM, suryakant bhagat wrote: > Hi,


Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>


suryakant bhagat <suryavesitb@xxxxxxxxxxx>, platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,


04/08/2014 03:10 AM


Re: [platform-ui-dev] [jdt-dev] How to animate showing and hiding of views created using the "org.eclipse.ui.views" extension point

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On 04/08/2014 08:37 AM, suryakant bhagat wrote:

    I am currently working on an application which has been built using the eclipse platform as the base. The application requires to be enhanced so that the new views developed using "org.eclipse.ui.views" extension point are shown and hidden using some crawling animation.
This kind of questions is about pure-UI, JDT-dev is about Java development tools. So I've forwarded it to platform-ui mailing-list.
I would like to know
1. Is it possible to achieve the same using the eclipse platform? Say, by modifications in the source code of eclipse?

I tend to believe that yes, it is possible; but I can't tell how...
2. By some third party tools or plugins which can be used to achieve the animation effect?
The Nebula project contains a component which allows to animate some SWT widgets. It's called CWT and . However, I'm not aware of a recent activity on this project, so if you use it, you'll probably have to remove some dust and fix some bugs there.
But since Nebula is a welcoming project, it shouldn't be a problem:

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at
JBoss, by Red Hat
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