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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Initial decoration

Also, have a look at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.ContentTypeDecorator and the discussion when we did the work, on bug 146951.


On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Oleg Besedin <obesedin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The one thing that still bothers me is that Eclipse seems to trigger a complete decoration of all resources when a new Eclipse workspace is created and a (Git) project is freshly imported.

That does not sound right. If you create a simple plugin with a decorator, for instance, using a new project wizard -> custom -> Icon Decorator, and play with it you'll notice that it is only called for visible elements. Or you can add a text decorator to the template and override

        public String decorateText(String text, Object element) {
                return "[deco]"+text;        
to double-check it.

The catch is that decorations are typically triggered by views. It is up to a view to say which elements it wants decorated. For instance, for Java perspective, it starts with TreeViewers from Package Explorer or Project Explorer (AbstractTreeViewer#updateItem()).

If you have a Git-specific view that triggers update on all items, not just visible items, that would trigger all decorators.

So, the most likely suspects are:
- the way decorators are calculated in your project makes them depend on decorators of contained elements (I *think* this is the case for CVS, and CVS supplies an option to turn it off to improve performance), or
- there is a view that triggers updates on all items, including not visible items.

If that is not the case, please open a bug with code that allows us to reproduce this problem.

Oleg Besedin

From: "Thun, Philipp" <philipp.thun@xxxxxxx>
To: "platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 01/26/2011 07:09 AM
Subject: [platform-ui-dev] Initial decoration
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hello Eclipse UI developers!
I have been struggling now for a while with a custom decorator in Eclipse and could not find a solution to my problem by searching the web. Thus I am posting my question to this mailing list…
I have been working now for some days on improving the performance of decorators for the EGit plug-in. The one thing that still bothers me is that Eclipse seems to trigger a complete decoration of all resources when a new Eclipse workspace is created and a (Git) project is freshly imported. This means that for a huge repository/project with 15.000 files, all 15.000 resources are decorated although most of them are not visible at that time.
Is it possible to exclude a specific decorator from this initial run triggered by Eclipse or to somehow abort this initial decoration?
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