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[platform-ui-dev] Build submission for I20110118-0800

tagged  I20110118-0800

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 300472. [Dialogs] [JFace] Provide accessor for dialog messages (FIXED)
+ Bug 325899. [Preferences] [accessibility] Preferences Dialog menu button needs a tooltip (FIXED)
+ Bug 333590. [Workbench] WorkbenchAdapterFactory can't adapt workbench adapter extension interfaces (FIXED)
+ Bug 333684. [Dialogs] SWTExceptions when closing launch configuration dialog with the help up (FIXED)
+ Bug 333970. [ErrorHandling] Test failures in official build: at org.eclipse.ui.tests.statushandlers.StatusDialogManagerTest.testBug276371( (FIXED)
+ Bug 334125. StatusPart.createShowLogButton(..) leaks an image (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:

Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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