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[platform-ui-dev] Fw: Build submission for the M20070815-0010 build

----- Forwarded by Eric Moffatt/Ottawa/IBM on 08/14/2007 04:29 PM -----
Eric Moffatt/Ottawa/IBM

08/14/2007 04:30 PM

platform-releng-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, platofrm-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Build submission for the M20070815-0010 build

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 66219. [Contributions] ActionContributionItem always gets the currentTimeMillis (FIXED)
+ Bug 143592. [Contributions] Toolbar contributions from two editors displayed simultaneously (FIXED)
+ Bug 180747. [DetachedView] Detached variable view is not responding when it is opened from another perspective (FIXED)
+ Bug 184712. [Viewers] Label provider of a tree vewier is not called (FIXED)
+ Bug 188178. [Commands] workbench System.out (FIXED)
+ Bug 189885. [Dialogs] SafeRunnableDialog class Javadoc contains special char: é (FIXED)
+ Bug 191694. [EFS] NPE in FileEditorInput.getPath (FIXED)
+ Bug 196164. IDE plugin broken due to missing dependency on runtime compatibility (FIXED)
+ Bug 198575. [Intro] display problems -- standby and maximized (FIXED)
+ Bug 199873. 'zoomTestSuite' and others broken (NEW)

The following projects have changed:

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