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[platform-ui-dev] Remote TreeViewer Article

Hi folks,

I'm interested in writing an article about using TreeViewer with an ILazyContentProvider backed by a remote data access layer. This seems to be a common request on various mailing lists and newsgroups, and there are some non-obvious design issues in practice. What would be the best way to contribute this? I am already a committer on Nebula, so there should be no IP problems -- I just want to get it in front of lots of eyes.
Here's a preview of topics I plan to cover:

- Getting started with ILazyContentProvider
- Designing the remote API
- Caching data on the client
- Integrating with server-side sorting and filtering
- Respecting client-side edits

I hope to get this hacked out over the weekend. Where should I send it when it's done? Of course, I'd also appreciate it if someone would like to volunteer as a reviewer.


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