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[platform-ui-dev] Build Submission (I20050609-1200)

A little bit late due to a bug in my script, but....

The map file has been updated for I200506091200.  The following fixes are 
+ Bug 19079. [FastView] Open a new view > As fast view preference only 
works when there is no placeholder
+ Bug 59526. [FastView] Accessibility: Make Target view menu inaccessible in 
fast view
+ Bug 60912. [Preferences] Success message appears when importing a dummy 
"epf" file
+ Bug 75909. [Problems] Problem marker not shown in problems list
+ Bug 78927. [Presentations] Tab scrollers are missing
+ Bug 80196. [HeapStatus] Heap status indicator enhacements
+ Bug 85003. [Workbench] (regression) Initial window position puts window off 
screen if window size is close to resolution
+ Bug 87222. [KeyBindings] preference page: Duplicate bindings masked by the 
preference page
+ Bug 88905. Preference import and export wizards should advocate use of .epf 
+ Bug 89335. [Contributions] Opening context menu on an empty working set 
writes to the log
+ Bug 89623. [Preferences] Import preferences -> choose specific 
preferences doesn't seem to do anything
+ Bug 89718. [Preferences] Preference export wizard doesn't check for file 
+ Bug 90028. Help view shows generic workbench help when view has more 
specific help context
+ Bug 91122. [Contributions] ordering: issue with multiple object 
contributions that contribute the same menu
+ Bug 93371. [Preferences] "Colors and Fonts" and "Keys" 
preference pages do not hook help contexts
+ Bug 93528. fix up alignment in dialog on top
+ Bug 94457. [WorkbenchParts] (regression) toggles in debug views do not 
restore state properly
+ Bug 94482. [Perspectives] (customization dialog) Scrollbars on left pane not 
showing scrollbars until resized
+ Bug 94490. UI performance tests not showing up in GLOBAL fingerprints
+ Bug 94669. Preferences dialog "type filter text" is added to list.
+ Bug 94820. Should delete the win32 fragment.xml
+ Bug 94852. [ViewMgmt] (regression) Typing space should activate view menu 
+ Bug 95007. [Import/Export] Difficulty importing project exported to zip
+ Bug 95613. [Import/Export] importing existing projects from zip does not 
+ Bug 95665. [Preferences] Dialog font use: Editors preference page 
"link" text
+ Bug 95747. [Preferences] Finish enablement problem in Preference Export
+ Bug 95931. [WorkingSets] Workingset updater loads classes on shutdown
+ Bug 96229. [api] missing specs in ShowViewHandler
+ Bug 96489. [Presentations] (regression) Standalone view without title has no 
+ Bug 96722. [GlobalActions] Leak: 2 Retarget actions leaked for each Java 
Editor open/close
+ Bug 96767. [Preferences] Content-Type page needs help
+ Bug 96784. [Preferences] Capabilities page needs help
+ Bug 96821. [Dialogs] TypeFilteringDialog not aware of content types
+ Bug 96861. [Perspectives] (regression) perspectiveExtension view ratio 
+ Bug 96872. [Dialogs] NPE cancelling an import existing project
+ Bug 96891. Strange editorActions extensions
+ Bug 97039. [Workbench] Remove trim from StartupProgressMonitorDialog
+ Bug 97309. [Dialogs] Edit > Set Encoding: Group label should not match 
preference label
+ Bug 97325. [KeyBindings] [RCP] Key bindings for outline and properties views 
refer to IDE command
+ Bug 97331. [Preferences] Content Types preference page should use 
"encoding" rather than "character set"
+ Bug 97337. [Contributions] javadoc for IMenuManager removeAll get/set 
+ Bug 97387. [WorkbenchParts] (regression) Closing an editor with Ctrl-F4 
fails to set focus
+ Bug 97451. [IDE] [WorkingSets]'Build Working Set' menu item not working
+ Bug 97456. [Preferences] Editors Preference Page cut off in High Contrast
+ Bug 97497. [DetachedViews] Rettachement option not obvious to find
+ Bug 97691. [Perspectives] Customize Perspective Dialog has no mnemonics
+ Bug 97811. [EditorMgmt] Default editor no longer honored
+ Bug 97844. [Commands] CVS warnings when loading o.e.core.commands
+ Bug 97939. [Undo] - Splitting up of text commands after invalid refactoring 
is inconsistent
+ Bug 97946. [EditorMgmt] old getDefaultEditor API is not backwards compatible 
(in spirit)
+ Bug 98007. 3.1 RC1 javadoc warnings: jface, commands, workbench
+ Bug 98009. [Intro] 3.1 RC1 javadoc warnings
+ Bug 98012. Test suites crash on OS X
+ Bug 98020. [Contributions] the Resource perspective's Search menu disappears
+ Bug 98030. [Viewers] DeferredTreeContentManager cancels all fetches
+ Bug 98107. [Viewers] Change visibility of AbstractTreeViewer#internalRemove 
from private to protected
+ Bug 98118. [Perspectives] [Doc] Mention of "switch perspective"
+ Bug 98273. org.eclipse.keywords extension point is missing since tag
+ Bug 98274. org.eclipse.ui.preferenceTransfer missing @since tag
+ Bug 98275. org.eclipse.ui.themes missing @since tag
+ Bug 98325. [Tests] [JFace] Need test for DialogSettings
+ Bug 98332. [JFace] DialogSettings does not handle null cases, replaces tabs 
with spaces
+ Bug 98432. [Perspectives] javadoc: IPageLayout needs update for secondary id 
+ Bug 98497. Splash Screen and Progress window layout
+ Bug 98522. [Undo] - API evolution: LinearUndoViolationUserApprover should 
work on views and editors
+ Bug 98569. [Perspectives] Customization dialog does not support dialog font
+ Bug 98683. [Workbench] Startup progress always on top
+ Bug 98730. Session test failures in N20050607-0010
+ Bug 98821. [PerspectiveBar] [FastViews] [Progress] Need help topics for 
workbench side bars
+ Bug 98951. [Doc] [Contributions] Problems with the 
"org.eclipse.ui.viewActions" extension point
+ Bug 98955. [Doc] [Themes] Nitpicking "org.eclipse.ui.themes" 
extension point
+ Bug 99022. ListViewer slightly slower on Linux than in 3.0
+ Bug 99040. Remove component.xml files from
+ Bug 99070. [Intro] PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getIntroManager().getIntro() 
returns a disposed intro
+ Bug 99083. [Doc] [Contributions] Nitpicking 
+ Bug 99088. Finish enabled when no items selected initially in import 
+ Bug 99177. [Workbench] Show product name in startup progress dialog if 
-nosplash is given

The following projects have changed:
+ org.eclipse.core.commands
+ org.eclipse.jface
+ org.eclipse.ui
+ org.eclipse.ui.ide
+ org.eclipse.ui.presentations.r21
+ org.eclipse.ui.tests
+ org.eclipse.ui.views
+ org.eclipse.ui.workbench
+ org.eclipse.ui.win32


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