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[platform-ui-dev] Build Submission (I20050526-1200)

The map file has been updated for I200505261200.  The following fixes are 
+ Bug 2345. [Editor Mgmt] Open with a different type of editor has no effect 
if file already open (1GEWMSQ)
+ Bug 3970. [preferences] UI needed to define the default line delimiters for 
new files (1GFIOAX)
+ Bug 39435. [Actions] hideActionSet API not working
+ Bug 46669. [WorkingSets] "Select/Deselect All" button for working 
set creation wizard.
+ Bug 58003. [DetachedViews] Detached view behavior and accessibility
+ Bug 58169. Minor Typos
+ Bug 65657. Doc error in IPerspectiveFactory
+ Bug 66712. [Workbench] IWorkbenchWindow.getShell() should not return null
+ Bug 71640. [IDE] use of deprecated IExtension.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor()
+ Bug 79401. [ErrorHandling] Duplicate presentation of error messages
+ Bug 79855. [IDE] isCompatibleVersion method in IDEApplication appears 
+ Bug 81365. [KeyBindings] errors: WorkbenchKeyboard error dialog should tell 
which command failed
+ Bug 83638. [Perspectives] CustomizePerspectiveDialog uses deprecated API
+ Bug 84102. [Workbench] various getters on WorkbenchPlugin are not thread 
+ Bug 84234. [Dialogs] Multiple Errors Have Occurred dialog unusable
+ Bug 85308. [Progress] Turning off verbose mode after restart has no effect
+ Bug 85578. [Preferences] Usability issues with the export preferences dialog
+ Bug 85654. [Presentations] Standalone views not resized properly
+ Bug 85789. [Wizards] [Perspectives] New menu has two separators when no 
+ Bug 85948. [Perspectives] Adding register & expressions view by default 
to debug perspective fails
+ Bug 87583. [Workbench] Showing progress on startup
+ Bug 88243. [Perspectives] User is prompted to switch perspectives when 
opening in new window
+ Bug 88568. [ViewMgmt] Sticky views don't appear in perspective or appear 
when not expected
+ Bug 89335. [Contributions] Opening context menu on an empty working set 
writes to the log
+ Bug 89589. [ActivitiesMgmt] Advanced button in capabilities preference page 
not using button dialog sizing
+ Bug 89689. [Preferences] ContentTypes preference page layout issue
+ Bug 89787. [Preferences] Content-type preferences should not be hidden in 
editors preferences
+ Bug 89998. Dynamic help view section title for F1 help is "About 
Problems", and incorrect context shown
+ Bug 90389. [Model] Can WorkbenchContentProvider:273 invoke 
Tree.setRedraw(boolean) less?
+ Bug 90552. [Wizards] Export preferences page not setting dialog font
+ Bug 90709. [EditorMgmt] Provide an action to open another editor on the same 
+ Bug 90935. Feature details dialog resize is strange
+ Bug 91343. [Undo] - API clarification - threading issues
+ Bug 91603. [Workbench] org.eclipse.ui.startup extension point initializes a 
Plugin class twice
+ Bug 91965. [EditorMgmt] File association and content types preference pages 
need to be reconciled
+ Bug 91966. [EditorMgmt] resolution policy for editors needs to be revamped 
to accomodate content types
+ Bug 92869. [IDE] [api] missing @since tags on WorkspaceAction methods
+ Bug 92963. [RCP][WorkbenchAdvisor] Allow workbench advisors to continue to 
run after the last window has closed.
+ Bug 93549. [Import/Export] Disable Finish in import existing projects wizard
+ Bug 93577. [Encoding] cannot change encoding setting from default to 
+ Bug 93692. [WorkbenchParts] Errors when accessing disposed view references 
not reported correctly
+ Bug 94171. [WorkbenchParts] (regression) Close and other editor-sensitive 
actions not enabled if editor opened but not activated
+ Bug 94305. Images not shown the second time the Import wizard is opened
+ Bug 94333. [Import/Export] Problems with reading long file names in tar 
+ Bug 94349. [GlobalActions] UI doesn't need to call internal Runtime methods
+ Bug 94381. [Undo] gets into eternal loop after undoing many changes.
+ Bug 94391. [Preferences] preference filter does not like compound names
+ Bug 94400. [Undo] - After successful undo, should operation be disposed by 
framework if it cannot be redone?
+ Bug 94402. [Undo] - javadoc - clarify disposal responsibilities in 
+ Bug 94410. [Undo] - TimeTriggeredProgressDialog needs busy cursor
+ Bug 94438. [Undo] - javadoc - clarify operation remaining in history for 
undo/redo with INFO/WARNING
+ Bug 94459. [Undo] - should refactoring undo work when text undo limit is 0?
+ Bug 94489. [About] Configuration Details is slow and creates a lot of 
+ Bug 94537. [Workbench] ClassNotFoundException trying to eagerly start a 
plug-in while shutting down
+ Bug 94547. [Decorators] [Navigator] (leak) Dangling references to 
+ Bug 94600. Redundant part activation events
+ Bug 94636. [Preferences] Preference filter text filed not in dialog font
+ Bug 94674. [Preferences] Preferences dialog separator under Title for pages 
does not stretch all the way across
+ Bug 94741. [WorkbenchParts] Error: IWorkbenchPartReference disposed found in 
+ Bug 94762. [Undo] Undo dialog concatenates messages result in two periods
+ Bug 94782. [Properties] mnemonics on file properties page
+ Bug 94814. NullPointerException after saving and deleting new plugins [Build 
id: I20050509-2010]
+ Bug 94827. [Perspectives] (regression) Customization dialog does not update 
+ Bug 94836. [ViewMgmt] updating of Search's title line flashes
+ Bug 94875. [About] Configuration details dialog has "System 
Summary" as title
+ Bug 94879. [PropertiesDialog] [Preferences] Esc does not dismiss properties 
or preferences dialog
+ Bug 94915. [Preferences] Editors preference page shortly shows error status 
on first display
+ Bug 94996. [Import/Export] Missing mnemonics in export to archive wizard 
+ Bug 95046. [Preferences] NPE on content type preference page
+ Bug 95100. [Wizards] Double click on New>Untitled Text File should create 
+ Bug 95168. [ViewMgmt] [ActionSets] (regression) Lose "Source" menu 
when switching perspectives
+ Bug 95217. [Commands] Remove experimental handlerSubmission element from the 
"org.eclipse.ui.commands" extension point
+ Bug 95222. [KeyBindings] Bindings stop working (no shell activation event)
+ Bug 95357. Need a test to ensure editor activation is not broken on startup
+ Bug 95369. [Intro] Intro should be marked a friend of the workbench
+ Bug 95380. [Wizards] Issue with BaseNewWizardMenu
+ Bug 95439. Filter combo box in preferences dialog not honouring dialog font
+ Bug 95464. [Workbench] [Commands] No command for New Window action
+ Bug 95534. [Preferences] Editors preference page does not show file line 
delimiter default
+ Bug 95548. Editors page not sized properly on startup
+ Bug 95561. [Perspectives] Workbench flashes when synchronizing
+ Bug 95574. [Preferences] import prefs fails with FileNotFoundException if 
location does not exist
+ Bug 95731. [Progress] NPE in JobErrorDialog.refresh(...) line 92
+ Bug 95744. About dialog margins around image are not consistent with wizards
+ Bug 95792. Command opens dialog, and second key press still thinks workbench 
window is active
+ Bug 95805. [Workbench] (startup) disabledPlugins check can't just use 
String.indexOf check
+ Bug 95810. [Workbench] (startup) Startup pref page lists plug-in multiple 
times if it contains multiple startup extensions
+ Bug 95844. [Contributions] Unsafe setRedraw() in ToolbarManager.update
+ Bug 95850. [IDE] Problems with line delimiter project property
+ Bug 95879. SWT Exception on startup
+ Bug 95888. [Import/Export] Ignore spaces in mode and size fields of tar 
+ Bug 95915. [Preferences] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in 
+ Bug 95926. [FastViews] new fastview bar looks poor on OS X
+ Bug 95974. [Preferences] Line Delimiter preference page causes full build 
without user change
+ Bug 96045. The new progress monitor is running the event loop during class 
+ Bug 96087. [HeapStatus] Remove special action for Kyrsoft Memory Monitor
+ Bug 96114. [IDE] should remove dependency on IPluginRegistry
+ Bug 96227. [ErrorHandling] [Dialogs] ErrorDialog does not show real error 
+ Bug 96318. [Progress] Accessibility problem with Jobs error dialog: can't 
hide without mouse
+ Bug 96326. [Preferences] Preferences tree flickers heavily while typing into 
the filter field
+ Bug 96413. [Preferences] articulate why a given editor is locked
+ Bug 96440. Tables laying out 3 times when trying to determine sizes
+ Bug 96497. Manifest files need to be updated with x-friends tag
+ Bug 96672. Startup complete reported twice
+ Bug 96700. [Perspectives] [Workbench] IWorkbench.showPerspective* should not 
rely on to show window
+ Bug 96730. [Undo] - action not properly updated on failed operation with 
multiple contexts

The following projects have changed:
+ org.eclipse.core.commands
+ org.eclipse.jface
+ org.eclipse.ui
+ org.eclipse.ui.ide
+ org.eclipse.ui.presentations.r21
+ org.eclipse.ui.tests
+ org.eclipse.ui.workbench


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