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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Component framework demo

For what it's worth, one up for this solution!
I'm not currently working on a patch for this solution, however, I'm doing exactly what you are proposing but using the 3.0 way. This solution would fit my needs perfectly for doing nested parts.

Just a couple of notes:
- NewPartToOldAdapter - should the classname be more descriptive? It's internal though
- createPart is not documented
- NewPartToWorkbenchPartAdapter - not documented
- NullFocusable - please state what the default implementation does
- OverrideFactory - as stated, not perfect, but I think it's good enough. I can't come up with another solution from the top of my head.
- SiteMultiplexer definitely needs Javadoc
- Your copyright template is not updated for 2005 - (this is note is cheap, I know..)

On a side note, the design of a new ErrorPart is great, adds flexibility to "This could should never be reached" type of code where a plug-in makes a dodo. Somewhat like a custom 404 page =)

Keep up the good work!

Best regards / Med vänliga hälsningar

Gunnar Ahlberg

Research and Development

P.O. Box 1350, SE-171 26 Solna,Sweden
Phone: +46 8 627 23 00 Direct: +46 8 627 25 83
Fax: +46 8 764 59 65 Mobile: +46 (0)736 33 22 65

Inactive hide details for Stefan Xenos <Stefan_Xenos@xxxxxxxxxx>Stefan Xenos <Stefan_Xenos@xxxxxxxxxx>

          Stefan Xenos <Stefan_Xenos@xxxxxxxxxx>
          Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

          2005-01-20 02:14

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[platform-ui-dev] Component framework demo

For those of you interested in the API for nesting views and editors, I've attached a demo of the component framework to bug 46207.

This is a big change and I want to gather some community input before it goes in. If you're planning to review the patch (or parts thereof), please e-mail me so that I know who to expect feedback from.

- Stefan

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