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Re: AW: [platform-ui-dev] A very minor usability issue

Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:
> >How the hell do I open a file?
> Do you mean opening of any files on your computer?
> Opening files outside
> to workspace is not supported.

That is insane.

> >Has anyone else noticed this problem?
> No, not really. I'm working with Eclipse since pre
> 2.0 and never had a
> requirement for the menu entry "File->Open". Maybe
> it's because Eclipse
> is not just an editor. It's an IDE with a workflow
> based on its
> fantastic project organization capabilities. I never
> missed a
> "File->Open" item.

That is specious mystification. If I want to import an
existing file (not Import a zip or folder or
whatever), then making me run Notepad is not

Of course an IDE will let me spawn lots of new source
files. I already have one.

Mike Wilson wrote:

> Do you have the "File" -> "Open External File..."
> menu item?

No. Version: 2.1.2, Build id: 200311030802.

Does that (or could that) only exist over certain views?


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