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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Breaking API changes need to be reviewed by PMC

I've appended this to

One of the main reasons the extensions work the way they do currently is 
to avoid activating plugins until their contributed action is chosen.
The problem with using IMenuCreator is that it requires running code.


Randy Hudson/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
06/26/2003 04:14 PM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev
        To:     platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] Breaking API changes need to 
be reviewed by PMC

Some of the issues I have might be parallel to these, but slightly 
converging in a non-Euclidean kind of way. 

Just kidding ;-).  But seriously, one issue I've experienced recently 
revolves arount the split between Action and ContributionItem.  Most APIs, 
including workbench extension points, but also non-platform APIs, deal 
with actions.  Give me your actions you want displayed, etc.  With an 
action, you have control to do almost everything.  But, for ultimate 
control you want to be a contribution item. 

For example, you can create a cascading menu by implementing IMenuCreator 
on your action.  But, in a recent case, we wanted 
IMenuCreator#getMenu(Menu) to be called everytime a submenu was shown - so 
we could rebuild the submenu.  The only way to do this is to override 
ContributionItem#isDynamic.  This isn't possible when your only hook is to 
provide an action. 

Another problem is submenus themself.  It would be much simpler to just 
add one menumanager to another.  But this isn't supported.  Or, add a 
menumanager to a toolbar, creating a toolitem which drops-down a menu. 
Currently, the only support for drop-downs on the toolbar assume that you 
have a primary action associated with the main part of the button.  But 
sometimes you don't. 

Should these be added to a separate bugzilla?  If so, just CC to it. 


"Nick Edgar" <Nick_Edgar@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
06/26/2003 02:22 PM 
Please respond to platform-ui-dev 
        To:        platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx 
        Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] Breaking API changes need to 
be reviewed by PMC

The plan item PR for this is:

The current emphasis is on replacing the key binding service and global 
action registration with a single command service.  This is tangentially 
related to the commands plan item:, but these are mostly 
orthogonal at the moment.


Randy Hudson/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
06/26/2003 11:04 AM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

       To:     platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
       Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] Breaking API changes need to 
be reviewed by PMC

What are the upcoming changes in action architecture?  I'd like to add my 
concerns to a bugzilla if one exists.

"Nick Edgar" <Nick_Edgar@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx 
06/26/2003 09:54 AM 
Please respond to platform-ui-dev 
       To:        platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx 
       Subject:        [platform-ui-dev] Breaking API changes need to be 
reviewed by PMC

Team, please make note of the following, from the latest planning meeting 

API *evolution*: 
- no unintentional API changes 
- every change needs to be pre-described 
- what is the change 
- how to deal with it 
- motivation 
- PMC must sign off on all breaking changes based on that description 
- Jim is the initial contact 
- no breaking changes after Christmas 

The main area of breaking API changes in Platform UI will be due to the 
RCP work, but there will be other areas, e.g. changes to the action 
Jim can help us with any API review.

The cut-off for API changes is actually earlier than Christmas.  From the 
R3.0 plan:
Friday October 10, 2003 - Milestone 4 (3.0 M4) - initial API freeze - 
stable build reflecting progress 
Friday November 21, 2003 - Milestone 5 (3.0 M5) - APIs frozen - stable 
build reflecting progress 


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