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[platform-ui-dev] Question about Eclipse UI Guidelines?

I'm reading the article "Eclipse User Interface Guidelines" on the web page:
And I have found that some behaviors of Eclipse do not correspond with the guidelines mentioned in the article.
For example,
Guideline 2.2 The action tooltip should describe the result of the action, not the current state of the action.
And a paragraph above this guideline says:
The tool tips for an action should describe the behavior which occurs if the action is invoked.  For instance, in the following snapshot the behavior of the Field button is shown.  If the action is unpressed, pressing the action will hide the fields.  If the action is pressed, unpressing the action will show the fields.  This behavior is shown using two tool tips.
But actually it does not behave the same as what described above. The tip aways shows the same words "Hide Fields", whether the button is pressed or not.
And there are some other inconsistencies between the article and Eclipse.
Maybe my question is insignificant. But when I am devoloping a plug-in for Eclipse, should I conform to the guidelines  or just follow the actual behaviors of Eclipse?
And I wonder whether the guidelines are out ouf date or  the new version of Eclipse dose not conform to the guidelines.
( I use Eclipse 2.1.0 in Windows2000 pro.)

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