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Re: [platform-ui-dev] 2.1 plugin developer documentations


This is a good idea, although it would make sense to do it for all 
components, not just Platform UI.
I'll bring it up with the other component leads.  Unfortunately we're down 
to the wire for 2.1 so this may not make it in.
If not, this is something we should post to the Development Resources 
sections of the team pages.


Joseph Khalil/Egypt/Contr/IBM@IBMEG
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
03/26/2003 04:09 AM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:     platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [platform-ui-dev] 2.1 plugin developer documentations

Is it possible that you add a section in the eclipse help for "What's new
in 2.1" in the "Platform plugin Developer guide" book , where you explain
the new classes and interfaces , the new methods added in existing 
the new behaviour of some aspects (like key binding ) , as it's a tough 
that any plugin developer can find out what's new in 2.1 by himself

Best regards,
Joseph G.M. Khalil
Software Engineer
Business Integration Product Development
Cairo Technology Development Center (TDC)

IBM Egypt
Address: 72 Gameat Al-Dowal Al-Arabia St., Fifth Floor, Mohandesseen, Giza
12311, Egypt
Phone:    +202 761-7391
        +202 761-7392
        +202 761-7393, Ext.123

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