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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Custom items in a project?


This is more of a Core question, but the answer is no.  The workspace provided by Core has only projects, folders and files (plus the workspace root).

However, the workbench can present any kind of item.  For example, the Java model in JDT allows external jars on the classpath, which don't correspond to workspace resources.
When you open a class file from an exterrnal jar, the editor's input is a Java model element pointing to that jar entry, not a core resource.  But these are not considered as part of the project proper (e.g. they are not under version control even if the project is).


"Levinson, Aaron N" <aaron.n.levinson@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

03/10/03 05:46 PM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:        platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [platform-ui-dev] Custom items in a project?

Hi all,

I thought that I had read somewhere in the documentation that it was
possible to have custom items (resources?) in a project that do not
necessarily correspond to a file, folder, or project, but now I cannot seem
to find this documentation (if it even exists).  Is it possible to do this,
and if so, how?


Aaron Levinson
platform-ui-dev mailing list

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