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Re: [platform-ui-dev] 2.1 M4 Plan posted

This sounds cool.  Since it will only show editors in the current window, does that mean the Editor tabs won't be displayed anymore?
It will be nice to re-claim that space.

"Nick Edgar" <Nick_Edgar@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

11/27/2002 09:05 AM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:        platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] 2.1 M4 Plan posted


Well, actually, you're right -- we don't like the editors dialog too much.
We feel it is too modal, too hidden, and too difficult to get at for
mouse users.
However, it has been hard to replace, since it does provide functionality
not available elsewhere.

It would be interesting to know which features of the current editors
dialog you find most useful.  Do you use it just for switching, or do you
make use of some of the other features.  Is being able to see the full
path important?

We're hoping that the editors drop-down will provide equivalent
functionality.  For example, the drop-down will support multi-selection.
Its context menu will include Save, Close, Select Clean Editors, and
Invert Selection, will allow you to sort by name or by most recently used,
and allow you to toggle whether the full path is shown in the drop-down.
The same accelerator used for the editors dialog will activate the
drop-down (Ctrl+Shift+W), although I'd like to change this to Ctrl+E. This
is currently used for delete line in text editors though.

We're still facing a couple of issues with the drop-down though.  Unlike
the editors dialog, it will not be able to show editors across all
windows.  And we're debating how it should work when you have two editor
workbooks.  Each workbook will have the drop-down (in the same way that
each workbook has tabs).  Should it show only the editors for the single
workbook, or for all editors in the window?


Marco Qualizza <mqualizza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
11/26/02 10:59 AM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

       To:     Nick Edgar <platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
       Subject:        Re: [platform-ui-dev] 2.1 M4 Plan posted

So, once again, we're going to lose the editors dialog.  *grin* You guys
really don't like that thing, do you?  I mean, this is the second time
you've killed it off.  What's going to replace the functionality offered
the dialog?

> The plan for 2.1 Milestone 4 (Dec. 13) has been posted to the Platform
> team page:

> 2.1 Development Effort - Milestone 4 (December 13, 2002)
> Performance improvement, with a focus on startup time, space usage, and
> scalability.
> See PRs tagged with performance keyword and milestone 2.1 M4.
> Bug fixing - address P1 and P2 PRs
> Improvements to editor management (dealing with many open editors)
> add drop-down to the right of the tabs, showing all open editors
> drop-down replaces editors dialog
> drop-down has key binding (Ctrl+Shift+W)
> preference for amount of tab compression (none, low, medium, high)
> preference for tabs in single row vs. multiple
> preference for number of tabs visible (shows most recently used N)
> editors view, having same look and feel as the drop-down except in a
> Refinement of UI for customizable keybindings
> UI changes for Flexible Project Structure (see the Core docs)
> Improvements to ordering and order stability in action sets (bugs 16282
and 18357)
> Preference to bring Tasks view to front when new problems found (bug
> Experimental work items (may not surface in the milestone build):
> Table of contents in wizards
> Investigate lazy update of views (bug 27084)
> Dropped items:
> Floating views (from M3). This investigation is paired with the work on
> cheat sheets, which has been defered until after 2.1.

> Nick

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> platform-ui-dev mailing list
> platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

    "Cogito, ergo es."
    "I think, therefore you are."
         - Marco Qualizza

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         - Martin Barnes

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