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Re: [platform-ui-dev] Editors view feature or defect (?)


> I still do not understand the need for the history in the editors view
> since we already have Ctrl+F6 and they seems to be the same thing.

My fingers cannot reach Ctrl+F6/Shift+Ctrl+F6. If these actions were on 
different keys (alt+forward/alt+back?), I would use them more. However, I 
still think there's a place for the buttons. When I'm in keyboard navigation 
mode, I hate reaching for the mouse so I like hotkeys to always be available. 
By the same token, when I'm in mouse navigation mode, I don't like reaching 
for the keyboard so I like a way to perform an action through the UI - in 
this case, the buttons.

> Talking about implementation: It seems that
> EditorList.closeSelectedEditors should not use getRestoredEditor. It
> should use page.closeEditor(reference,boolean) instead. Otherwise we are
> restoring an editor just to close it.

Thanks for the tip. I've switched to using this method. The reason I didn't 
find this method in the first place is that it doesn't exist in the API. I 
have to cast my IWorkbenchPage to the WorkbenchPage implementation to get 
this method. The method WorkbenchPage#closeEditor(IEditorReference, boolean) 
should probably be promoted to API. Otherwise, people have to do what I did 
and restore the editor before they can close it.

> PS: no need to send e-mail to me and platfom-ui-dev. Just platfom-ui-dev
> is OK.

Sorry. It's a convention I picked up from other open source mailing lists. It 
just makes it clear that the message is actually addressed to an individual 
instead of being broadcast. I prefer this method, but I'll try my best to 
remember not to directly address you in the To: field.

- Jared

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