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RE: [platform-ui-dev] [Editor Mgmt] Make EditorManager$Editor adaptable

Isn't that the idea of Working Sets. I.e. you can have a set of resources 
that you show in any view (Navigator, Packages). I agree it could use DND 
support and be also appended dynamically in some cases. Maybe we should 
open another bug report about this one.

Since I use the preference "close editors automatically" as well as 
multiple windows, I do not see the need for a view of opened editors as a 
user but a part of the UI team we have to understand how other users are 
using eclipse and find solution for their problems.

Eclipse, the way it is out of the box, ends up with too many opened 
editors which is a problem for a lot of users. So many people have talked 
about this editors view. We have to collect their ideas having in mind 
that eclipse is more then a java IDE for java developers.

Once we conclude the set of features that are needed, we can design a UI 
for these feature. I.e. a view, a drop down list, a dialog, whatever. We 
have to opt for one solution otherwise it would pollute the UI. I am 
willing to test and release (experimental mode) the view Jared wrote so 
more people can test and give us some feedback. If after a few builds we 
conclude that it is not needed or not good enough we just delete it.

I want to understand why users end up with to many opened editors (5+). I 
think that this is the real problem and should not happen but we have 
talked a lot about editor reuse and could not conclude much since each 
user wanted it implemented in a different way. A implemented a few way and 
tested them but could not get it to be the default eclipse behavior.


Randy Hudson <hudsonr@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
09/06/2002 03:36 PM
Please respond to platform-ui-dev

        To:     platform-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        RE: [platform-ui-dev] [Editor Mgmt] Make EditorManager$Editor adaptable

I don't think this type of View (List of open editors) is useful.  I find 
the set of open Editors to be irrelevant, and it would encourage bad 
habbits (i.e. not closing editors open just so they stay on a list 
somewhere.  Startup/shutdown, and overall performance would be affected). 

Much more interesting is the set of *resources* which I am currently 
working with, regardless of whether they are open or not.  This list could 
be maintained manually, but also dynamically appended.  For example, a 
"scratched" or unreleased file might immediately appear on the list.  A 
global list of un-released resources gets you 90% of the way.  And such a 
list wouldn't change, update, or re-sort nearly as often. 

The current Bookmarks view could be modified or cloned to create such a 
view.  All it needs is Drag-and-Drop support (currently you have to have 
an editor  open to create a bookmark).  And perhaps multiple bookmarks in 
the same file could be grouped together under a TreeItem.

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