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[platform-swt-dev] Browser with SWT.Mozilla requires network access


we use SWT’s Browser class with SWT.Mozilla (XULRunner). Unfortunately it is not possible to start our application without network connection as the Browser initialization is canceled with the following message:
„This document cannot be displayed while offline. To go online, uncheck Work Offline from the File menu.“

I guess the message comes directly from XULRunner and refers to XULRunners file menu - that is not visible in SWT’s Browser. Do you have any idea how to get rid of this message? We have already tested different versions of XULRunner.

Of course we only want to display some local / bundled HTML files.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards
Sebastian Furth
denkbares GmbH
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 15
97076 Würzburg

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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