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Re: [platform-swt-dev] NSImage Invalid memory access

I've also noticed than I can get the image working if I do:

Image img2 = new Image(display, img.getImageData())

... but in this case, I get a black image, and not an image with template behaviour (automatic graying / highlighting, etc), of course

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:54 AM, Edu García <arcnorj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

In Mac OSX (Lion) I'm trying to use named images with NSImage.imageNamed(). Getting the image works, as I can read the details, size, etc.

But when I try to use the image on a toolbar item or TreeItem, I get an "Invalid memory access of location 0x18 rip=0x7fff96bf3350", with different addresses depending on the image.

The thing is, trying with "NSDescendingSortIndicator" or "NSAscendingSortIndicator" works fine! But if I try to use "NSActionTemplate" or "NSAction" for example, I get the mentioned error.

This is the relevant part of my code, although I don't think I'm doing anything fancy:

NSImage nsImage = NSImage.imageNamed(NSString.stringWith("NSActionTemplate"));
Image img = Image.cocoa_new(display, SWT.ICON, nsImage);

Also, I don't know if there is other way of getting named images without OSX specific code.

Thanks in advance!

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