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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Browser/XULRunner 1.9.3

Hi Ryan,

Unfortunately WebKit does not provide something similar to JavaXPCOM.  I agree that JavaXPCOM provided very useful functionality, and was the main push for porting the Browser's mozilla implementation from its original Linux-only form to also run on Windows and OS X as of eclipse/swt 3.3.  The motivation for switching to use WebKitGTK+ whenever possible for SWT.NONE-style Browsers as of eclipse/swt 3.7 is for the interface and functional stability that it will bring.  Mozilla's new policy of zero frozen interfaces reinforces this change even more strongly going forward.

That being said, the example you mention brings up an interesting point.  Although JavaXPCOM is out of the picture as of xulrunner 2.0, at least some functionality that JavaXPCOM enabled can be done in JS instead.  For example, the headers observer could be implemented with:

String string =
   "var httpRequestObserver = {observe: function(subject, topic, data) {alert('called!');}};" +
   "var observerService = Components.classes[\";1\"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);" +
   "observerService.addObserver(httpRequestObserver, \"http-on-modify-request\", false);" +
   "observerService.addObserver(httpRequestObserver, \"http-on-examine-request\", false);";

This has me wondering if there could be value in continuing to work with xulrunner versions >= 2.0 (SWT.MOZILLA-style Browsers only).  This is not a 3.7 plan item, but I've created a feature request to investigate this, time permitting ( ).  I don't think this is critical at this time because as I previously said, support will be continued for JavaXPCOM users for xulrunner < 2.0.  However as time passes it may become desirable for some clients to use JS instead if they can realize the benefits of xulrunner >= 2.0 in return.


Ryan Levering <rrlevering@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/08/2010 04:49 PM

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"Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list." <platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [platform-swt-dev] Browser/XULRunner 1.9.3

Yeah, my apologies on the version.  The bug fixes I was looking at are still are listed as 1.9.3, but they renamed it to 2.0.

This is very disappointing news.  Is there any equivalent to JavaXPCOM with WebKitGTK+?  There were a lot of things that could only be done easily with the Browser using JavaXPCOM (header listeners, etc).

On Oct 8, 2010, at 9:51 AM, Grant Gayed wrote:

Hi Ryan,

I don't think there will be a XULRunner 1.9.3 release, the next release that I can see is 2.0.  XULRunner 1.9.3 was previously proposed but I think has been discontinued.

XULRunner 2.0 will have significant API changes compared to pre-2.0, with no frozen C++/Java interfaces (new policy), and will not ship with JavaXPCOM jars .  SWT is not planning support for xulrunner versions >= 2.0, since WebKitGTK+ is available as an alternative for SWT.NONE-style Browsers.  Support (bug fixes) for xulrunner versions < 2.0 will continue, so swt clients using JavaXPCOM will be supported, but must continue to prescribe a XULRunner version < 2.0.


Ryan Levering <rrlevering@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by:

10/07/2010 02:29 PM

Please respond to
"Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list."        <

"Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list." <platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[platform-swt-dev] Browser/XULRunner 1.9.3

Are there any plans/timeline for support of the newest release of XULRunner in SWT?  There are several changes in 1.9.3 I'm eager to get my hands on.  I know it's still in beta, but I was just wondering if integration or testing efforts start before the release.

Ryan Levering
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