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[platform-swt-dev] Custom Native Widgets

Dear friends!

I'm participating in logistics and business automatization system development.
Our system is client-server. Client part built upon Eclipse RCP. Our user have Windows, Mac OS X, as well as Linux OS'es.

In pursue of better user experience sometimes appears tasks of designing new type of widgets. Up until now they were solved in Java/SWT environment.

Here's brief description of one such widget. Users of MacOS should be familiar with NSSearchField control. We want to create control like this, but with ability to add arbitrary amount of buttons to it. We need ability to add more than 1 button to control. We also want to have autocompletion, though this bit can be accomplished with standard JFace methods. To make it more understandable, there is a picture attached. In this picture one can see such a control on Windows and Mac OS X.

The way those controls are created now is not to our liking. We think, it would be better to create them using native means (like C/Win32API or Objective-C/Cocoa etc.). Hence we want to know, are there some rules or guidelines we should learn in order to start development of native custom widget on C and it's SWT counterpart?

Another question, are there any criteria of selection of ideas or code for participating in swt-upstream?

Best regards
       Andrey Onistchuk

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