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Re: [platform-swt-dev] UI freezes after upgrading to 3.5.x

OK, I can confirm that reverting foregroundIdleProc to the 3.4.x version fixes the issue.

I'll try and get a reproducible test case.

Jason Chown
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited

Silenio Quarti <Silenio_Quarti@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

17/11/09 22:04

Please respond to
"Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list." <platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list." <platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [platform-swt-dev] UI freezes after upgrading to 3.5.x

It is hard to guess without a testcase. The only change between 3.4.x and 3.5.x in the wake/ayncExec area that comes to mind is a change in org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.foregroundIdleProc() to fix this bug:

You could get SWT from CVS and hack the code. Either start with 3.4.x and add the change (see if the problem starts happening) or start with 3.5.x and remove the change (see if the problem goes away).

Please open a bug report if you find a simple testcase that reproduces the problem.

3.5.x code

/*long*/ foregroundIdleProc (int /*long*/ code, int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) {
if (code >= 0) {
if (runMessages && getMessageCount () != 0) {
if (runMessagesInIdle) {
if (runMessagesInMessageProc) {
                                       OS.PostMessage (hwndMessage, SWT_RUNASYNC, 0, 0);

else {
                                       runAsyncMessages (


                       MSG msg =
new MSG();
if (!OS.PeekMessage (msg, 0, 0, 0, flags)) wakeThread ();


return OS.CallNextHookEx (idleHook, (int)/*64*/code, wParam, lParam);

3.4.x code

/*long*/ foregroundIdleProc (int /*long*/ code, int /*long*/ wParam, int /*long*/ lParam) {
if (code >= 0) {
if (runMessages && getMessageCount () != 0) {
if (runMessagesInIdle) {
if (runMessagesInMessageProc) {
                                       OS.PostMessage (hwndMessage, SWT_RUNASYNC, 0, 0);

else {
                                       runAsyncMessages (


                       wakeThread ();



return OS.CallNextHookEx (idleHook, (int)/*64*/code, wParam, lParam);


From: Jason_Chown@xxxxxxxx
To: platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 11/17/2009 11:42 AM
Subject: [platform-swt-dev] UI freezes after upgrading to 3.5.x
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


We have a thread-happy UI that functions nicely in 3.4.x.

Since upgrading, after about 10 seconds of running the UI will freeze, and only update when the mouse cursor is moved over the window (or triggering any other Windows WM_ message). Breaking into the main (UI) thread shows it stuck inside OS.WaitMessage(). The rest of the application has carried along regardless, except for Display.syncExec calls which are blocked. Display.asyncExec calls seemed to get queued and processed when the app wakens.

This only happens on Win32 (x86 and x64) and not on Mac OS X or Linux, which function fine.

Does this sound familiar?

I'm trying to build a test case/narrow down the problem, but it's elusive.

(Apologies if this isn't the right newsgroup for this message, feel free to punt me onto another).

Jason Chown
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited


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