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Re: [platform-swt-dev] SWT_AWT and Accessibility

That may be ok. The HOD team reworked its interaction with JAWS by circumventing the bridge function to create a COM-based interface. I asked that they do this because we had hoped that Sun would rework the Java Access Bridge to use IAccessible2. I say may because I don't know if they are still using Java Access Bridge event notifications and whether you are using Swing controls left over from HOD.

Charlotte may be able to answer this.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
Inactive hide details for jamie.guillemette@xxxxxxjamie.guillemette@xxxxxx

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          05/11/2007 08:40 AM

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"Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list." <platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


Re: [platform-swt-dev] SWT_AWT and Accessibility

Hi Richard,

Got a quick question fory you.  Given the current issue with swing embedded
in an eclipse application. Is it safe to assume that we would encounter the
same problem using IBM's HOD (host on demand) embedded within an eclipse
app. HOD using a swing graphics panel to present its UI.

Jamie M. Guillemette
IT Solutions Developer
TD Enterprise Technology Solutions
275 Dundas Street, 11th Floor, London
(519) 663-1952

            er                                                         To
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Jaime should have a test case. I spoke with Freedom's CTO, Glen Gordon, and
if you can isolate all the swing pieces to a black hole (isolated area) you
might get that to work with the access bridge. Once you start mixing swing
components with SWT components then you get into a lot of problems with not
being able to reconstruct the window hierarchy in your screen reader which
leads to lots of other problems.

What I will say as this is not a "JAWS supported" situation so it may work
and it may not.

I spoke with Mike Cooper, in the Expeditor team, on the subject this
morning and he is going to install the access bridge and try things out
with JAWS. Beyond that someone would need to work with Sun to try and get
an access bridge replacement which uses IAccessible2. IAccessible2 will
give you access to many things, including rich text, which would be lost
when Swing uses Java2D to render it.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
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                                          (Embedded image moved to file:  

It still makes sense to have a test case and bug report to track this issue
and confirm that it does not work.

Richard Schwerdtfeger                                                    
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Swing applications, currently, interoperate with assistive technologies
through the Java Acces Bridge. Assistive technologies access Swing
applications through a special Java access bridge dll provided by Sun. This
is not how assistive technologies access Eclipse applications. Eclipse
applications interoperate with assistive technologies, on Windows, using
MSAA, offscreen modeling (screen scraping), and propietary APIs used by
ActiveX plug-ins. Even if you installed the bridge, this would be
problematic for ATs as they would not be able to handle the mix between the
access bridge dll and MSAA.

We have developed an accessibility API extension to MSAA, called
IAccessible2 which when combined with MSAA will give you the same level of
rich interoperability as Java. We hope to implement support for it in
Eclipse along with Linux accessibility support. Sun would also need to do a
mapping from the Java Accessibility API ( referred to by Jamie) and
MSAA/IAccessible2. This would provide the consistent framework you desire.
Sun has not made that investment at this time. IAccessible2 should be fully
supported by JAWS and Window-Eyes in their next releases.

So, it is recommended that Swing not be used in Eclipse applications if you
would like them to be accessible. If possible, we recommend using an
existing SWT control.


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Distinguished Engineer, SWG Accessibility Architect/Strategist
Chair, IBM Accessibility Architecture Review Board
(Embedded image moved to file: pic28053.gif)Inactive hide details for Steve
Northover <Steve_Northover@xxxxxxxxxx>Steve Northover
Steve Northover                                                          
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                                     (Embedded image moved to file:      

Can you confirm that it is working properly running a small Swing only
example? If so, please create a bug report with a stand alone snippet.
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05/09/2007 04:10 PM                                   
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Hi All,

Im trying to find out if the SWT_AWT bridge allows accessibility data to
flow from Swing components back to SWT and out to Accessibility

I have an eclipse application that uses swing for many views. The SWT_AWT
bridge is used to allow the swing panel to be embedded in the views.

Our client relies on Jaws a screen reader application.

In Swing we would call the method getAcessibleContext().setName()  or
setDescription()  on any swing component. This provides the details the
screen reader needs
to have to work properly.

So far my intial attempts at making this work within our eclipse plugin
have failed. Our SWT components / frames work perfectly.

Does anyone know :

a) is accessiblity supported in swing panels via SWT_AWT?

b) if not is there a best practice work around?

Jamie M. Guillemette
IT Solutions Developer
TD Enterprise Technology Solutions
275 Dundas Street, 11th Floor, London
(519) 663-1952

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