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Re: [platform-swt-dev] New DateTime Widget

Hi, Dave.

To address your requests:

> 1. Can we add an ISO date format? YYYY/MM/DD  [ed: you mean YYYY-MM-DD] <g>

The native controls respond to the user's preference.
So for example if you are on Windows, you can go to the Control Panel and run "Regional and Language Options" and click on "Customize..."
In the Date tab of the "Customize Regional Options" dialog, choose yyyy-MM-dd for the Short Date.
Then create your SWT DateTime widget with the SWT.MEDIUM format.

> 2. If we are using an ISO date format can we have a Century default? In
> our custom DateTime Widget the first two digits are filled in (20) and
> the user is started at the 3rd. position.

This sounds pretty customized. If you really want this, you could open a feature request, but I am not very hopeful that it will ever get implemented.

> 3. Can we set and retrieve the date out of the widget using a standard
> java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar ?

Because SWT is CLDC compliant, and java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar are not, we prefer that those classes are not in our API.

> 4. How does the user pop down the calendar selection?

Please cc yourself to:


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