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Re: [platform-swt-dev] SWT/JFace - TextViewer/Document/Thread

You'd be better to ask this kind of think on eclipse.platform.  This list is intended for SWT implementors.

Ahsan Ali <doubleletter@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

07/09/2005 03:26 AM

Please respond to
Ahsan Ali and "Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list."

[platform-swt-dev] SWT/JFace - TextViewer/Document/Thread

Hi there,

I'm new to Jface/Swt. Being used to Swing, I'm a bit confused about
how to do this:

I want to use a TextViewer, by updating its documentmodel from within
another thread (that is continously reading data from a server ). But
I think I will have 3 problems:

a) The Document class (or any IDocument implementation) does not have
an appendText method ! I can't replace all the text each time text
updates  ...

b) The set methods of the Document class are not synchronized.

c) I can't pass a textViewer reference to the server thread because
that's a GUI object that belongs to the main thread...

Therefore, I really need your advice on how to go about this.

Any help is appreciated,

Thank you,

platform-swt-dev mailing list

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