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[platform-swt-dev] Using Browser control in Eclipse 2.1.3 on Linux/Solaris


We are developing our product (not an IDE) on top of Eclipse platform.
We are using Eclipse 3.1 jars for running standalone product. But we
also provide the facility to plugin modules in Eclipse 2.1.3 & WSAD. I
have few questions regarding Browser control.
Is it possible to port the "org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser" class
from Eclipse 3.0 to Eclipse 2.1.3 on Linux & Solaris?
I have done that for windows and is working fine. But I am not sure
about Linux/ Solaris. Are there any problems in older GTK/Motif
versions which would prevent me from porting.
Any suggestions on how should I go about it?
Do I need to create different controls for  Motif & GTK and similarly
for Linux & Solaris?
Has any one tried something like this?


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