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RE: [platform-swt-dev] MenuBar Menus and MenuItems

Actually friend i am in search of menus as the extention to the eclipse plug-in and not the swt menus we create. I am talking about the menubar which appears by default in the eclipse environment. How to add/Remove Menus from this menubar.

Bhargav Faldu
Technology Innovation Group
Zensar Technologies
Phone - 020-5605-7673
Mobile- 09823164433

-----Original Message-----
From: platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:platform-swt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Timar
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 11:41 AM
To: Eclipse Platform SWT component developers list.
Subject: RE: [platform-swt-dev] MenuBar Menus and MenuItems


Hello  Bhargav,

Here is a little example.
Is this what you want to know?

import org.eclipse.swt.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.*;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;

public class little extends Composite {

   public static final void main(String[] args) {
      Display display = new Display();
      final Shell shell = new Shell(display);

      shell.setText("My first SWT application.");
      little board = new little(shell, SWT.NONE);

      while(!shell.isDisposed()) {
   public little(Composite shell, int style) {
       super(shell, style);

       GridLayout l = new GridLayout();
       l.makeColumnsEqualWidth = true;

       l.marginWidth = 12;
       l.marginHeight = 12;
       l.horizontalSpacing = 4;
       l.verticalSpacing = 4;
       l.numColumns = 2;

        // set the menu and menu bar
           Menu mb = new Menu((Decorations)shell,SWT.BAR);
           MenuItem mi1 = new MenuItem(mb, SWT.CASCADE);
           mi1.setText("My menu");
           Menu fMenu1 = new Menu((Decorations)shell, SWT.DROP_DOWN);
           MenuItem newItem = new MenuItem(fMenu1, SWT.CASCADE);
           newItem.setText("My first submenu item");
           newItem.addArmListener(new ArmListener(){
			   		public void widgetArmed(ArmEvent
Item is Armed.");
           MenuItem newItem1 = new MenuItem(fMenu1, SWT.CASCADE);
           newItem1.setText("Open item");

           MenuItem mi2 = new MenuItem(mb, SWT.CASCADE);
           mi2.setText("My edit");

           Menu eMenu1 = new Menu((Decorations)shell, SWT.DROP_DOWN);
           eMenu1.addMenuListener(new MenuListener(){
		   			   public void
menuHidden(MenuEvent me){
System.out.println("Menu hidden event");
		   			   public void
menuShown(MenuEvent me){
System.out.println("Menu shown event");
           MenuItem edItem = new MenuItem(eMenu1, SWT.CASCADE);
           edItem.setText("My Copy");
           MenuItem edItem1 = new MenuItem(eMenu1, SWT.CASCADE);
           edItem1.setText("My Paste");
       //end setting menu bar


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