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[platform-swt-dev] System wide events - detecting system idle time


I'm trying to figure out the best way forward to detect when the "entire"
operating system is not recieving any events - in other words, the user has left the
computer idle - no keyboard or mouse events for the entire system. Seeing no
events for 30 seconds could trigger a working progress in my application,
but only when the whole system is idle, not just my application.

I'm aware of how to do it for a native Windows application (using system
hooks) but wanted to investigate a SWT friendly way first. This kind of hook
might be something that could be part of the SWT library and if I develop
some code to do it, I'd like to offer it to the SWT team for consideration -
this means I had better do things the way the SWT like native OS hooks to be
Any tips or starting point would be great.

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