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[platform-swt-dev] Parenting rules in a Custom Composite

  I have a general question about building a
Container-like composite (such as a ToolBar or
TabFolder type of component). Let's say I have my
component, called A which has "groups" of other
components. The "groups" are themselves a composite
that can hold one or more controls such as Buttons, etc.

  Following the conventions of class like ToolBar and
TabFolder I have the classes:

A - the top most container
AItem - descendant of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Item 

My main confusion is how to deal with the event
handlers for the Buttons that I want to place in AItem? 

Do I add methods to AItem like Button
createButton(String text) and return the button to the
caller so that they can set their custom event
handlers? I sort of did not want to expose the fact
that I'm using a Button, since I might want to replace
that with a Label, CLabel or my own Custom Button/Label
class. So the other option I'm evaluating is whether to
 add methods like void createButton(String text, int
index) and set the handlers with something like void
addMouseListener(int index, MouseListener ml). 

Which approach is more in line with the SWT design
philosophy? Any hints would be greatly appreciated.


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