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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Bidi on XP


You can find a description of the problem in our bugzilla:


"CASTRO Emmanuel (EURIWARE)" <emcastro@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: platform-swt-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
12/17/2003 09:15 AM
Please respond to

"'platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[platform-swt-dev] Bidi on XP

I was navigating through the source code of StyledText trying to 
understand how it works. 
I realized that there is a partial support for bidirectional editing. 
It is said in the source code that Bidi is enabled only on a few Windows 
It does not works well on standard Windows XP which have multilingual 
extension activated (Chinese, Arabic, ...) 
In the BidiUtil.isBidiPlatform() there is a comment that I surprised me : 
        // The following test is a workaround for bug report 27629. On 
        // both bidi and complex script (e.g., Thai) languages must be 
        // at the same time.  Since the bidi platform calls do not support 

        // double byte characters, there is no way to run Eclipse using 
        // complex script languages on XP, so constrain this test to 
answer true 
        // only if a bidi input language is defined.  Doing so will allow 
        // script languages to work (e.g., one can install bidi and 
complex script 
        // languages, but only install the Thai keyboard). 
Why "bidi platform calls do not support double byte characters". 
I thought all the Windows APIs where available in Unicode. 
Does someone has knowledge on this subject? 
Where does this limitation comes from? 
I tested forcing the BidiUtil.isBidiPlatform() to return 'true'. It works 
well for arabic (the letter where in the correct
order) but chinese characteres were corrupted. 
Emmanuel Castro 

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