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Re: [platform-swt-dev] Browser widget question

Assuming you are at step 4 in bug 41840 (Eclipse is started, the source for
the org.eclipse.swt project has been downloaded through CVS from and is in your workspace - please ask if you have trouble
getting this right):
- open the resource view and look for the file .classpath_win32_mozilla
inside the project org.eclipse.swt. Rename this file to .classpath . The
org.eclipse.swt project is rebuilt and the Browser widget is now using the
Mozilla browser.
- continue with the other steps (get the org.eclipse.swt.win32 project


                      Jack Park                                                                                                      
                      <jackpark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx        To:       platform-swt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx                                          
                      m>                             cc:                                                                             
                      Sent by:                       Subject:  Re: [platform-swt-dev] Browser widget question                        
                      10/15/2003 08:51 AM                                                                                            
                      Please respond to                                                                                              

This turned out to be quite useful until the line:

set the .classpath using .classpath_win32_mozilla

In my project, I can open the .classpath, but, I must confess, I'm at a
loss to know how to add ".classpath_win32_mozilla" to it.

Could you sketch what that would look like?  BTW: the values for PATH given
in  the report:
C:\Program Files\\Mozilla;C:\Program Files\Common
Files\\GRE\1.4f_2003062408 are almost precisely those on my
installation (not sure about the final number on the GRE.


Christophe Cornu wrote:

>Hi Jack,
>(as you already know) As outlined in the SWT FAQ below, the Browser widget
>on Windows platforms is only supported with IE.

>This said, it is currently possible to build the Browser widget on Windows
>so that it uses Mozilla. Instructions are available at:
> .
>If you believe supporting Mozilla on Windows is important to your project,
>please reopen bug 41840 and add your vote to it...

>                      Jack Park

>                      <jackpark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx        To:
>                      m>                             cc:

>                      Sent by:                       Subject:
[platform-swt-dev] Browser widget question
>                      platform-swt-dev-admin@




>                      10/14/2003 09:26 AM

>                      Please respond to

>                      platform-swt-dev


>As a new person to this list, I hope this question is no redundant.
>Google doesn't think so.
>I just got the Browser widget working (windows). It is seriously cool!
>Thanks to those who created it. I had spent the weekend trying to get
>WebClient to work with SWT, all the way down to an assertion fault in
>the dll -- out of my depth.
>In any case, I think there is great reason to request that the Windows
>version of Browser have the option of opening Mozilla instead of IE.
>Any thoughts on this possibility?
>Many thanks.

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