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[platform-swt-dev] new dependencies in SWT 3.0

After using SWT 2-132 for about 6 months, I am now looking into 3.0M3. The first
thing that strikes me, is the truckload of new dependencies.

After successfully compiling SWT 2-132 natively with GCJ and running it with GTK on
the framebuffer, I can see that it now has dependencies on Gnome. Any further steps
in that direction may very well mean the end of SWT on the framebuffer. Would it be
possible to still separate these Gnome dependencies completely out of the core and
make sure that the core does not depend on it?

I can see that there are now tentacles creating dependencies on Mozilla (Linux), and
IE (Windows)? Would it be possible to still separate these IE/Mozilla dependencies
completely out of the core, and make sure that the core does not depend on it?

I personally only need the 2.XXX core and no dependencies on everything that was
added over the last 6 months. Are you still going to bugfix the 2.XXX series? I mean,
in its current form of intermingled dependencies, I can probably not use the 3.0
series and compile things natively any longer.

Maybe, I will try a strategy of patching 2.XXX classes with changes in their
corresponding 3.XXX classes. Maybe I could still get bugfixes in that way ...

The 3.0 series is obviously balkanizing the already rather small following of SWT.
That's a shame.

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