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[platform-swt-dev] BusyIndicator.showWhile() doesn't show wait cursor

I tried writing a simple app using SWT. The app has a Text input field with
a Button next to the Text field. Below the input field and button is a
Table. When the user presses the Button a SelectionListener pops up a
FileDialog allowing the user to select an input file. After the user selects
the file the selection listener creates a object that implements Runnable
and calls BusyIndicator.showWhile(null, loadCSV);. The first time the
SelectionListener is messaged the Table grid lines disappear and the cursor
does not change. After the data is loaded into the table the app responds
normally. If I click the Button a second time and select a file the wait
cursor is displayed within my apps' boundaries. Am I missing something or is
this a SWT bug?
I am using SWT swt-win32-2135.dll on Windows 2000.
P.S. Sorry if this is a dup I was not subscribed to the list the first time
I posted.


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